Tuesday, May 7, 2013

MAY we be... steps of Joy and Gratitude!!!

today is a day of JOY and Gratitude!!!!!!

For those of you that know Greyleigh's story you will know why, but for those of you that do not I will offer a recap.

When I was pregnant with Greyleigh and we went in for our BIG ultrasound we had some issues, the Dr's we unable to get a visual of Greyleigh's spine and believed she might be missing half of it. I was then sent to a specialist(a week later),and  they too couldn't provide answers and I was then scheduled for a heavy duty ultrasound examination however the 1st available was 2 weeks away... for a mom that is worried thats a really really long time. We didn't tell many people simply because I didn't want to vocalize it and give Satan authority over my joy for this child, but I can tell you there was a huge battle going on in my mind. would Greyleigh ever walk? what would this mean for my childs future? and many other things were constantly running through my mind. It was a long waiting period full of many tears and it had me on my knees a lot! thankfully the day of the big ultrasound I got up prayed got myself ready and headed to my appointment. I had a huge overwhelming amount of peace come over me once I got to my appointment and when they hooked me all up to the machine the first thing we saw was a BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECTLY FORMED SPINE! praise the Lord!

I know what you are thinking, why is she telling us this; well I tell you this because today I experienced something that I once thought wasn't going to be possible, but thankfully God knew it was possible!


I cannot tell you the Joy this brought to my day! who knew the sight of your child walking could make you cry? who knew it could make you jump for Joy and laugh? who knew it could make you so grateful? well I can now tell you, I DO! I know cause thats exactly what it did to me :)

 I am overwhelmed and humbled by these small moments in Greyleighs life... but more then anything I feel pure Joy and Gratitude! Thank you Lord for showing me how BIG you are in my moments of weakness. thank you for loving us through our season of waiting, thank you for putting people in our life to encourage us through that time, Thank you for teaching me to trust you in ALL things, Thank you for bringing this precious child into our life, and thank you so much for the Joy you have placed in her heart! she radiates your love with every smile and giggle and I know that Greyleigh is even more important to you then she is to me! I know that she will be someone you will use to love others, encourage others, and teach others all about you! She was indeed formed by Your hands, dreamed up in Your heart and  placed in this world for purposes I cannot wait to witness!

so today in these moments I am thankful for many things, but more importantly I am thankful for the Joy of this child!

MAY we be Grateful and full of JOY

Friday, May 3, 2013

MAY we be.... Grateful for friends!

today our focus is Grateful!

I have been busy busy lately and I feel like every second of my potential "me time" is full. so when my friend Becca called me yesterday and asked if she could watch my kiddos today I was so grateful!!! I was able to go eat lunch with my friend Stephanie with no mouths to feed but my own :) wow, who knew eating lunch could be so enjoyable when you aren't busy cutting things up into small bites and you can actually enjoy a CONVERSATION!! I had a terrific time with Stephanie and really enjoyed talking and spending time with her since it isn't something we get to do too often. Stephanie is a working mom, and can I just say she is awesome! I am so proud of her and I try to remind her of that every chance I can, because lets face it, being a mom is a hard enough task, but when you throw a whole separate job into the mix that makes it much harder! Needless to say she is doing great at both and I love her and I am so proud of her! She is a huge blessing to me and I love spending time with her whenever I can! She totally defines the word "classy" to me and handles life and everything else thrown at her with a level of love that is bound to encourage anyone! She is one of those friends that always goes out of her way to Hug you and bless you with her sweet smile. and both her hugs and her smile are the best out there! shes fabulous and I loved my time with her today :)

Becca has really been a great friend to me, and I have really loved getting to know her! In the small time we have known each other I feel our friendship has taken great strides and I love it! She is one of my first calls when I need advice, and someone who always makes me laugh (bleh) ;). If I am with Becca I can always count on the fact that I will have a GREAT time! I feel like every time we are together we find out more similarities, I am kinda shocked at how alike we are... must be why I love her so much ;).  this friendship was definitely put in my life to challenge me and encourage me! she is one of the most authentic people around! Becca is someone I would call a natural leader, I can already see her years from now leading young moms to Love the Lord and raise Godly kids! she is pretty amazing, and I am really grateful for her! she is one of those friends that you can always count on to lift you up when you need it. In fact I remember a day I was having when my 2 year old turned into a monster. She was having meltdown, after meltdown, after meltdown, and I was so worn out and feeling extremely defeated... Becca called to ask about something and in the midst of it gave me a pep talk, encouraged me, and assured me that, yes today might be challenging, but I am doing a great job! that was just what I needed to hear that day. it is friends like this that help make the hard days do able! I am so thankful for her. She is a beautiful person inside and out and I am positive we have many years of being great friends in our future. I always admire her and I love her even more.. she is a huge blessing to me and I am so grateful for her influence in my life :) she is pretty fantastic. I mean what friend calls to ASK you if she can watch your kid so you can have some time to yourself? not many... thank you Becca for being such a great friend to me! you are one of my favorite friends and I am so grateful for your friendship and encouragement in my life! you have made my life more enjoyable with your laugh, sound effects ;) and sense of humor and I love you oodles!!!Thank you so much for giving me some time to enjoy Stephanie today, It was fantastic to get a break!

if you haven't noticed it yet, I have some pretty amazing friends! we are only 3 days into May and I have many more friends to go...

How do you tell your friends you love them?
how do you show your friends you are grateful for them?
How do you let them know what they mean to you?

I myself don't have an answer to these questions, but I can tell you I am working on it, and hopefully by the end of this month Katie, Stephanie, and Becca won't be the only ones that will know just how much I love them! :)

and today I am really Grateful for my friends 
Stephanie and Becca!!! :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

MAY we be ... KIND

Today we are focusing on KINDNESS    

We have a little old lady next door named Louise. she is a widow and she has 2 sons in the area that if I am being honest could use a lesson or 2 in how to treat their mama.  if you followed our 12 days of kindness she was our day 12 and that too will give you a little back story to her... last week we had plans on friday night and due to rain they got canceled so I knocked on her door and said "come on we are taking you on an ice cream date" she was so excited and rushed to grab her shoes and we were out the door... on the ride there she told us in the car "sorry I'm not wearing a bra" to which my husband quickly replied with... "its ok I'm not either", I on the other hand couldn't stop giggling ;) while we were getting ice cream she talked a little about wanting to move back to FL since her sons clearly don't want her here. Selfishly I clearly do not want this to happen because we love her! Gentry LOVES her and we have taken her in as her adopted grandma. so today we decided was the perfect day to show Louise some kindness and love on her a bit more. Gentry colored her some artwork and told me what to write on the card and I transcribed it... the card was clearly direct out of the mouth of a 2 year old, but the most precious thing ever.  it showed me the pure love in her heart that she has for Miss Louise... I don't remember it word for word, but it was pretty close to this...

"I love you. You are pretty. thanks for neighbor, I love you all pretty. you are my friend. I love louise, yes I love louise. I love you, love Gentry"

I wrote Louise a little something too and then we put some Hugs in a cute bag and we went to go deliver it. Gentry was full of smiles and so excited to give it to her. Louise was shocked and said "you just made my day" with tears in her eyes. Gentry gave her some real hugs we took a picture and came back home.. and then gentry said "I do that again" :)
I don't think she knows how much she made Miss Louise' day, but I do, and I know it was the perfect medicine for a lonely little lady to be loved so much by a silly little 2 year old. Watching your kids love someone you haven't even prompted them too is so special. truth of the matter is, I probably wouldn't have reached out to Louise much if it weren't for Gentry. Gentry has taught me a thing or 2 about being a good neighbor. She is always outside waving to our neighbors, providing hugs, and blowing kisses. Its kinda funny how that works out considering shes a kid and I should be the one setting the example in that area, but either way I am thankful for the Lord using my daughter to help wake me up and show me how easy it can be to love your neighbors and work on developing relationships with them. I know the Lord placed us in this house for many reasons and loving on Louise is definitely one of them! We are thankful for her and love her so much, and while yes sometimes she may drive me bonkers, and show up at the worst time to talk, I know that the Lord is using us to help mold the life and heart of Louise, so I have and will always drop everything to show her how much she is loved!

so here is my little take away today:

the Lord blessed you with a place to live and he put certain people around you, so how are you showing them kindness? How are you showing his love to them?How are you reaching out to them?

Your neighborhood is your biggest potential mission field out there, so turn off your TV, stop running inside to make dinner, and leave time in your life for God to use you (or your children) to love your neighbors... if you aren't doing it who will?

Miss Louise and Gentry


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


helloooooooooooooooo MAY! we are glad you are here :)

today we are focusing on JOY

when you think of the word JOY, what comes to mind???

well I can tell you the first thing that pops in my head is a person! you've heard the saying Joy is Contagious and I am proof of that thanks to a fantastic friend of mine :) She always ALWAYS brings me joy! she is the most positive person in my life hands down! she always speaks from the heart and her words echo in my mind days beyond being said. she is wise and she is someone who cheers me on when I am weak and affirms me when I am in doubt. whenever I am with her I leave feeling blessed and loved! she is gentle, and kind, and  she never has a bad thing to say about anyone. She is always equipped with a beautiful smile and a sweet spirit. She really is one of my FAVORITE people on this earth! in the time that I have known her I have been so encouraged to be a better mom and wife just by watching her. If you haven't figured it out yet shes pretty much amazing! I am so thankful for her friendship in my life and the thought of her always puts a huge smile on my face and Joy in my heart... If I had to count the joys in my life, she would be close to the top of my list! and it should come as no surprise that she even has a blog called Counting joys and if you go there you will see a small glimpse as to why I adore her :)

So today I want to highlight Katie Kafoure, someone who always inspires joy in my life and is a true reflection of joy from the Lord! You are loved, adored, and cherished as one of my favorite friends and I am so grateful for the witness of Joy you have been to me :) love you oodles!

what brings you real  JOY???
Do that!
Be that!
Share that!
Spend more time with that!!
Gravitate to Joy!!
whatever it is, get more of it and pass it on to those around you.. BE JOY!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I know its not May just quite yet, but lets face it may starts tomorrow and in my mind it might as well start today ;)

Anyways, if you had a chance to read our last blog then you know we are starting a new Family Challenge this month centered around these 3 things
MAY we be kind
MAY we be grateful
MAY we be joyful

today we are starting with GRATEFUL

this year I have had the privilege to be involved in an amazing ministry at our church called Mom to Mom. it has been an enormous source of encouragement and Joy every Tuesday over the past year. I have been so blessed by the leaders who have poured into me, prayed over me, and even sent sweet notes when I am having a crummy day week (can you say the great Vaseline disaster of 2013) ;) it has also helped introduce me to some of the greatest friends that fill my heart with JOY, and love on me constantly! and as if that wasn't enough I always leave there refreshed and energized ready to take on this crazy job I have called parenting ;)

Each week while I am busy being encouraged to be a Godly mom, my children are cared for by some of the greatest childcare workers ever! They love on my kids, greet them with smiles and hugs, and always tell me "they were great" even when I know sometimes they weren't ;) Being a mom and seeing people embrace your children and love on them is one of the greatest feelings. and I am so encouraged when I hear Gentry tell me how much she loves going to church on Tuesdays and how she can't wait to see her teachers and friends.

So today I am Grateful for Mom to mom, not just for what I get out of it, but for what my kids do too.

 Since today was the last day we decided we wanted to give some gifts of gratitude to our teachers, mine included. Gentry helped me make flower pins and we attached a cute little note to all of them that said "thank you for helping me grow". we talked last night all about how we were going to take them to church and that she would be able to pass them out to her teachers. now if there is one thing you need to know about my child it is that she loves to sleep.. and I often have to wake her up in the morning when its about 8:45 and shes still snoozing. so today when she woke up at 7:30 I was a tad confused. I went in to get her out of bed and she said "I  too excited to sleep" then she ran out of her room and grabbed the bag full of the flower pens and was ready to go. hahahaha.  when we got to chuch 2 hours later she passed out the flower pens to all the childcare workers with the biggest smile on her face!

can I tell you something. I didn't realize it until this morning, but man there is a lot you can learn from your children. Gentry loves to give!!!  it always encourages me to witness her pure excitement and joy that radiates from her while she does it. I am proud of my child for waking me up physically and mentally to show me how exciting it can be to give to others,and  I am grateful for the gift of this small little life that inspires me daily to be a cheerful giver! :)

MAY we be Grateful... and today I am :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

MAY we be...

So the month of MAY is almost upon us and with this comes another month of fun around here... if you have followed our family blog then you know this past Christmas we did the "12 days of Kindness" where we focused on showing kindness to others! Gentry loved it and I did too :)  so I thought long and hard talked with my husband, and have decided we are going to turn MAY into a new fun challenge for our family!

this month we will focus on...
MAY we be kind
MAY we be grateful
MAY we be joyful

I feel like these 3 words have been layed on my heart a lot lately and I am excited to see how we are challenged this month to turn these words into actions! They say if you practice something for 30 days it becomes a habit and that is my hope, that it becomes a habit for us to be kind, grateful, and joyful in all that we do...

I am also going to try to blog everyday, maybe this will become a habit too ;) 

if you would like to join us on this challenge please let me know! the more the merrier :) use #Maywebe2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

We are NOT perfect!!!

 it is easy to look on FB and compare yourself to others and think that every mom has it together, with perfect children, in a perfect house, with a perfect marriage, and a perfect life, but the fact of the matter is, its just not true! not even close!

While I love FB, what I don't love is the fact that it paints a picture of perfection. It only shows people what you want them to see. they don't see the huge mess going on in your house, the temper tantrums your kids are throwing, the piles of laundry sitting around waiting to be done, or the fight you just probably had with your spouse. they see a "perfect" picture of your life...not your real one! its easy as mom to always compare yourself to others...I have struggled with it too and still often do. when we do this we are basically telling God, "hey you know all this amazing stuff you have blessed me with, well I don't like it and I want what others have instead". why can't we be thankful? why can't we change our attitude and be happy for others while also being thankful for what we have?

I have decided that I want to try to be more transparent with the ups and downs of my life.  I want to be more thankful for EVERYTHING! We have been so blessed. in the last few weeks I have removed the chains that once held me back of comparing my life to others.  that is a pointless thing to do, my life will never reflect that of others, because I have different people in my life and a different situation... when we are so busy comparing ourselves to others we don't leave any time to seek out the beauty and uniqueness of what we have been given. and why on earth would we all want to be the same anyways? why would we all want to live the exact same life? that would be BORING! I want to be honest, I am not a perfect mom, I do not have perfect kids, I do not have a perfect husband... the fact of the matter is the only thing in my life that is perfect is My God! I am a work in progress, along with my kids and my spouse. we don't live in a perfect house, we don't have it perfectly decorated, and my laundry is not perfectly folded and put back in its place after being washed. I AM HUMAN! we have great days in our house, and we have not so great days too. we have days of laughter, and we have days filled with tears. the only thing that remains constant in this house is that at the end of the day we love each other and we are thankful! We are thankful for everything, even the fact that nothing is perfect!

when we are so busy trying to be perfect then we lose our ability to be a relateable encouragement to others and let them know that hey, we have days like that too...

so here is my challenge to you; let down your gaurd, throw away that picture of perfection, admit that some days are rough, stop comparing yourself to others, start being thankful for what you have, and when we do this, I think we will all learn that we have a lot more in common :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Love em up!

Feburary is upon us and I am using this time to be more intentional about LOVING the people who I come in contact with. you know the ones, your spouse, your kids, your friends, your family, the people who offer so much love to you and bless you daily.

Now I am not a fan of Valentines day, I have always thought it was a rather silly holiday. so instead of boycotting the holiday again this year we are taking a different approach. we are going to use it to love the people that love us soo much and bless us so much! we had such success with our 12 days of Kindness and I feel that Gentry really Got it and I have noticed how much I got it too ;) sometimes it takes seeing your kids experience things to move your heart in a way you cannot fathom. I still am learning things from our 12 days of Kindness and it didn't just last 12 days... it stuck with us! for this month I want to be intentional about expressing my love to others. I want to practice to make it a habit to love, not just during February, but in every moment. the best way to form a habit is to practice... so that's what I am doing this month. I am making it a point to practice how I love others, how I show love, how I speak words of love, and more importantly how I help remind people that they are loved. Not just by me, but by the one that created them.

My idea this month is to incorporate the conversation of love with Gentry and Greyleigh daily to help them understand, while also doing small gestures to appreciate and love them and others around us. some major things I want to focus on this month is God's Love for us, ways to show love, bible verses about love, and my hope is that if I start first by loving those in my house, then it will be so much easier to love others outside my house.  I can already tell the Lord is gonna teach me so much this month!

So here we go folks... this February is devoted to Love!
Loving my husband
Loving my children
Loving my parents
Loving my family
Loving my friends
Loving my neighbors
Loving my community
and using all of this Love to help people understand the Love of my Savior!

Love em up!!!

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

reflection of 12 days of kindness

our 12 days of kindness have brought on a whirlwind of emotions, Joy, thankfulness, and Love just to name a few. last year when I heard about this idea (and gentry was too young) I knew 2012 would be the start of this new tradition in our family. However, I didn't know how God would use it to transform my heart for people... all people, not just the ones you already love, but the ones you don't even know anything about either. I cannot exactly put into words the magnitude of what the Lord has done through this or is still doing, but I can tell you I am more happy then I have ever been! Maybe it's the joy I have gotten from giving to people, or maybe its the joy through watching my child love fully and witnessing her grasp the idea of what this season is truly about. either way I am changed! let me rephrase that, we are changed... this has been the most fun tradition yet, and I know that in years to come as we continue to do this, my girls will look back on these moments and understand the concept of what it truly means to give generously, at least I can hope this much :) so now what... do we put our kindness back on the shelf and save it for next year? or do we take this time to approach the upcoming year with a heart of thankfulness and continue to bless and love all people? for us the answer is simple, we are going to keep it up :) we are going to focus this year on others, not just how we can bless them, or what material object we can give them, but how we can love them, pray for them, encourage them, lead them to Him, all of it..this year instead of pulling out "that phrase", you know the one "i'm too busy, I don't have time" we are going to make time for what is really important and put away all the excuses! we are going to approach 2013 with endless opportunity... leaving God to be the illustrator of how we can bless and love his people that we come in contact with daily. imagine how awesome life would be if we all left time in our lives for him to use us. I can't help but think that the person you just rushed to bag your grocery's and had no time for is more important to him then what time your dinner arrives on the table. I know we've all done it me included, its reality, its life, I get it... but lets leave some wiggle room in our daily lives for God to transform the world around us.

2013 is looking marvelous! I am eager to see the Lord's work through my family and how he will teach us even more then he has in the last 12 days! Stay Tuned for 2013, the year of loving all people, with wiggle room, attitude adjustments, and no excuses! :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

day 12 of 12 days of kindness

Today we decided to bless our neighbor again. let me start with a little story behind today's activities...

last week my neighbor Louise came over to thank Gentry for the for the cookies and picture she delivered and while she was over here talking to me she asked if I had any VHS tapes she could borrow  because she only had 4 and was sick of watching them (yes I said VHS) i grabbed the 3 I had and handed them to her and said... "girl you don't have a dvd player?" she said "no" and I said "oh man you need to tell your sons thats what you want for christmas" and here's the clincher... she said "they don't get me gifts for christmas, no one does" that broke my heart. how sad! how would you feel if every christmas you gave the people you loved gifts and you never got ANYTHING from them. now I know the phrase its better to give then receive (and yes after doing these 12 days of kindness I would agree with it) ,but man sometimes its also nice to be blessed with something for yourself too. so this made me start thinking... how wonderful would it be if we could bless her with a dvd player and some dvds this christmas, so I talked to a few friends about it and they came thru! I mean really came thru :) ( I have some great friends did I mention that, and they have great hearts too) one friend gave a dvd player, and 2 more friends gave movies...not to mention the 2 that offered to mail me stuff to give her. I too got some movies and we had a nice TV that we weren't using anymore that was collecting dust in our attic so we got it all together wrapped it up and decided to go surprise her.... when we got there and I had wrapped gifts she looked at me in shock! genuine shock! and I said here we have some goodies for you and proceeded to hand her the box with the dvd player in it. she opened it and started to tear up (which means I did too if you know me) and then when I handed her the big stack of dvds we had wrapped and told her this wasn't just from me that I had some friends that helped pitch in too... she started to tear up even more. It meant so much to her that someone thought of her, people who didn't even know her thought of her! Phil then went back to the house and brought over the TV and she was speechless, and thanked us over and over. we set everything up, showed her how to use it all and even wrote down directions. she said to me a few times "you have just made my christmas" I am so glad that we were able to love on her and bless her with these things. I know it means alot to her especially considering the TV she had looked to be about 30 years old.. wow how does it still even work?

what I learned today:
I have friends that have great hearts! I mean really how many people would want to give to someone they don't even know? not many, thats why I consider my friends true treasures! I also learned that people still use not only VCRs but that they also have 30 +year old TVs too... thats older then me! I also learned that a TV sitting in your attic collecting dust, that you never use anymore can bless someone more then you ever thought, same with that old dvd player and all those old movies you never watch anymore. things that are old to you can still be appreciated and a huge blessing to someone that otherwise would have gotten NOTHING for Christmas. Now I realize christmas isn't about presents, trust me I know this and I agree fully, but I do think that christmas should be a time to celebrate! celebrate the birth of our savior, celebrate family, celebrate friends, celebrate the joy that you have been given another year on this earth, and to celebrate and appreciate all people even ones you don't know and today that was accomplished! :)

special thanks to Sarah and Kyle Hunter, Mariah Utz, and Kristi and Eric Cobb! thank you so much for having a heart big enough to love on someone you don't even know and for helping me make a 70 year old Lady feel loved and appreciated this Christmas. your gesture of love not only affected Louise but me too! I adore each of you :) also thanks to everyone that offered to buy things and mail them to me! I appreciate you too ;)

So there you have it folks! 12 days of kindness complete and my heart is full :)

stay tuned for 12 days of kindness reflection coming soon!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 11 of 12 days of Kindness

Today we made some cookies for one of my favorite people! She has been a great friend to me since I moved here and Lucky for us our kids adore each other and she has 2 boys just about the same age as my 2 girls (um hello do I hear 2 arranged marriages in our future?? I hope so!) Anyways back to her :) she basically is the best! I enjoy her friendship and I have loved getting to know her better and better over the past year. She has been a huge blessing to me and has made this move to Nashville a lot easier! she moved here around the same time that I did and I am pretty sure we were destined to be great friends when we met in the partnership class at church with our matching preggo bellies (although hers was much cuter then mine). I just wanted her to know how special she was, so I wrote her a note baked her some cookies and dropped them off in her mailbox :)

What I learned today:
I have been blessed with some great friends here and I am so thankful for them, all of them! I think its important to make sure your friends know how much your adore them and are thankful for them...you can never tell someone enough that you appreciate them!  Communicate your thankfulness to those you love :) I am gonna start doing this more not just at christmas, but all year :)

STAY TUNED FOR DAY 12... its gonna be a huge day of blessing :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 10 of 12 days of kindness

Today I decided 2 of my workin friends needed some lovin :) so Gentry and I made some peanut butter cookies and we dropped them off at their work for them. One has been saying how much she wanted to do some blessing of her own and knowing shes a busy, caring lady, I made her an extra goodie bag to pass on to someone of her own so she could get in on the action of blessing someone! My other friend is a working mom and just went back to work after having her little one about a month ago. she is amazing! and I love her dearly and I am so proud of her for the long days and nights and everything she does to make sure her hubby and little girl are taken care of. I know getting back in the grove of work has been a challenge and I thought she just needed a little note of encouragement and to let her know how awesome I think she is :)

What I learned today:
your friends need some lovin too, especially friends that do so much for everyone else as both of these girls! I get it, life is busy and this is all the more reason to show your friends some kindness and encouragement, just think how much brighter everyones day would be if they knew how much you thought of them! it doesn't take much, heck you can even send an email and I am sure it will brighten there day just as much! Love your friends and show them what they mean to you :)


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 9 of 12 days of Kindness

Today we decided to tackle the mall. lets be honest, working retail is a hard job, but when you throw Christmas into the mix it is even harder! So today I wanted to bless some hard working mall employees... Since I have started the 12 days of kindness I have had others say they wanted to get involved and help, so today I assembled a team of 8 of us (all girls) and we attacked that mall with smiles, tutus and holiday cheer. we passed out flowers with specail notes of thankfulness to workers of Victoria Secret, Bath and Body works, Kiosk Booths and more! For santa and his helpers we even had something special we prepared, cold drinks and treats :) It was a happy sight to see smiles form on faces of stress and exhaustion as we passed out Joy to people who often deal with grumpy irritated customers. I even saw some tears too, in one case specifically a elf in santas area started crying when we gave her something, and told us how today was a hard day and how much she needed this. her mom had passed away a year ago on this day and her husband was currently in the hospital for internal bleeding. She Cried and thanked us repeatedly ( and if you know me I cried too). I am happy that we could Love on her and many others...after we spread some love around the mall we all decided to grab some lunch... My sweet friend Mariah even blessed me with some kindness of her own by buying my lunch :) to which I was ever so thankful and encouraged by. today was a good day GREAT day. I am happy people have been encouraged to participate in this tradition and I am even more happy that I could sit back and watch them experience joy themselves by blessing others too :)

What I learned today:
I AM A SYMPATHY CRIER.. If you cry, I will join you. I don't even need to know what you are crying about, it doesn't matter I will choose to participate, thats just how I am :) a VS worker started to tear up, I joined her... as I stood back behind a counter watching my little group of kindness ambassadors waiting to bless santa and his workers, I teared up some more, and when I heard about that sweet lady I LOST IT! I pulled myself back together for a short lunch break and then when we got in the car to head home, I cried some more, and as I am sitting here typing this I am still crying. I can't begin to tell you how this 12 days of kindness has changed my heart for spreading kindness and loving on people. If we can help make each day a little brighter for people, if we can help them feel a little less lonely, and if we can help them feel needed and appreciated, this my friends is exactly Why my family is doing this! I can definately see where it has changed Gentry too... today I would hand her something and she would immediately try to give it away. I am happy this is not only affecting my heart but hers too. She is truly learning what it is to give to others, whether its, flowers, cold drinks, cookies, or hugs, she gets it!
Today I am even more encouraged then I was yesterday by the ripple effect of kindness going on here :) and I am blessed to have great friends who are eager to join this movement as well! Mariah and Ashley, Thank you! thank you for not only your friendship, but your kind and tender hearts that have a desire to help bless others!

ready to go!

flowers and hugs to VS's hard workers

Gentry and Sierra ready to pass our cold drinks and treats
Gracelynn Lee blessing a shopper
Teilea Rayne and Gracelynn Lee waiting to bless Santa and friends
this is the lady I was telling you about :)
Teilea Rayne and Gracelynn Lee Loving on Nathan

about to light up santa and his workers with some goodies... look at the joy on those faces :) I am so Proud!!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 8 of 12 days of Kindness

Today I wanted to surprise some of my friends that don't have family around here with some FREE babysitting! So I made some little vouchers stuffed them in a envelope with some candy canes and we made our rounds around town to 3 of my friends mailboxes to pop them in there.... Having lived in Charleston with no family around I know how precious and few those date nights become when you throw kids into the mix. thankfully we had friends that loved us enough to watch Gentry so we could get away for a refresher every once in awhile.... its now my turn to pass along the goodness of FREE babysitting since we live by family now. I cherish each of these friends greatly and love their kiddos too so it makes for a fabulous combination for me ;)

What I learned today:
kindness doesn't have to come with a price! just be willing to give some of your time to love others around you... pay it forward and give your mama and daddy friends a break, I am pretty sure we could all use a refresher every once in awhile, it doesn't hurt that you get to love on their sweet kiddos along with it ;)

hopefully they don't read this blog before they check their mailbox ;)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 7 of 12 days of Kindness

Today I had something differnt planned but I saw the UPS guys pull up so instead we loved on our UPS guys! I was so upset they came during naptime cause they usually come as soon as Gentry gets up :( but either way we still got to bless them with some Cold Drinks and a cherry candy cane... I saw them park in front of my house to disperse their package drop offs around us so I ran outside to hand them some goodies and tell them just how much we appreciate them! They were thrilled and said "thank you so much, we are really behind today and didn't have time to grab lunch so this is perfect" ... today must have been extra busy because usually we only have 1 UPS guy and today there was 2 so I had to think fast since I only had prepared for 1...so I quickly pulled together another water and candy cane!

What I learned today:
a candy cane and water is a fabulous lunch and I am not the only one that thinks that ;) haha ok, but all kidding aside, even if you aren't prepared with a over the top plan you can still bless someone on a whim :) kindness doesn't have to have preparation, it can certainly be done without it! so time and busyness is no longer an excuse! I pulled this one off in a matter of 30 seconds and I am glad I did, these guys work way too hard not to have a lunch, even if it is only a candy cane ;)

I snapped this photo of them enjoying their treats and a short little break ;)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 6 of 12 days of kindness

Today we decided to love on the 2 people that live right next door to us, Mr George and Ms Louise. Both are older single people and Gentry loves them! we started by baking some chocolate chip cookies, then Gentry wanted to draw them some original artwork, shes no Picasso, but I am sure they will love it anyways ;)

she was so excited to go deliver it that she was pulling me out the door. sadly, neither one of them were home so we left the goodies on the doorstep and came back home to enjoy some cookies of our own ;)

What I learned today: 
I wish I was as eager as my 2 year old to love on my neighbors, friends, family, and even strangers. If only we all operated with that same love that children have to those they meet then I am confident this would would be a better place.... so today I will begin to strive to love like a child, pure, gracious, and fully. while also keeping the maturity of an adult ;)

Stay tuned for day 7

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 5 of 12 days of kindness

in light of the tragedy that happened on Friday, today we decided to bless our "teachers" at church. Gentry was excited to bring them goodies and even helped herself to eating one on the way in (oops). We love our teachers at church and she always lights up when she see's Mr bill who always greets her with a big ole bear hug and I love that! its great to have people like that who genuinely love your kids fully and he certainly does that. as you know our "teachers" at church don't get paid for what they do... its all volunteer. they bless our family on a weekly basis and we are grateful they are fully invested in helping to disciple and mold our children with us :)

what I learned today: We are blessed everyday by someone and we don't even realize it. I am starting to be more aware of people I come in contact with on a daily basis and how they add to the blessings in my life, some simply by a smile they add to my day, others by great friendships and love for my children. regardless how big or how small they bless my life and I am thankful :)


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 4 of 12 days of kindness

today Phil and I had the pleasure of serving shoppers at cool springs mall with some FREE gift wrapping at our churches wrapping station... because I'm not much of a gift wrapper (lets be honest you would probably rather have your 2 year old wrap a gift then me) I got to be the greater/ gift distributor to help keep things rolling and people happy. Our church does this wrapping station every year as a way to love on shoppers during this hectic season of christmas hustle and bustle. It was such a joy to encounter shoppers of all types who were shocked to find out we were just there to bless them no strings attached! I had some great conversations and enjoyed serving along side some of our great friends! Sadly things were so busy I had no time for a break or pictures, but just visualize loads of gift wrap, smiling faces and boxes of all shapes and sizes and you pretty much got the drift.

What I learned today: this season provides so much stress and busyness to people, that I can't help but think we have all somewhat missed the point of Christmas. Christmas isn't about presents, its about a baby that changed our world, and while yes presents are nice, Giving is nicer, especially when you expect nothing in return... bless others freely!!!